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Law Enforcement's Biggest Little Supporter

by Thin Blue Line USA September 30, 2017

Find out why this 5 year-old girl is on a mission to Hug every...

Take a minute to watch this touching story of law enforcement's biggest little supporter. This message needs to be spread; now more than ever. Share to let our LEOS know they are appreciated. Want to join Tinley on her mission? Bracelets available here:

Posted by Thin Blue Line USA on Thursday, September 21, 2017

The loving story of Law Enforcement's biggest little supporter has swept across the nation; touching millions of Americans with the beautiful and heartfelt story of Tinley. In less than one week, the short video detailing the journey and mission of this inspiring 5-year-old girl has drawn over 2.5 million viewers and over 75,000 shares. The powerful and timeless message of support is represented by the love of Tinley, and her mother, Jamie.

Just months ago, Thin Blue Line USA was contacted by Jamie and Tinley, asking how they could take thanking officers in their local community to the next level. After an initial donation of several hundred Thin Blue Line Bracelets (and a whole lot of stickers), we were blown away by the amazing effect Tinley was having on her neighborhood. We watched Tinley spread joy from department to department; bringing a refreshing spirit to the dangerous and unpredictable life of LEOs. Tinley is motivated by the loss of her best friend, Officer Brockmeyer, 22, that inspired the young girl to become a police officer shortly before he was killed in a tragic vehicle pursuit. James Brockmeyer's led a life devoted to community and service; a life that continues to shine brightly through the love of our littlest hero.

Tinley Thin Blue Line USA

Thousands of comments have shown the admiration and encouragement our country has poured out for Tinley and her mission. 

"This shows how much impact one person's actions toward another can have. Her interaction with Officer Brockmeyer has positively impacted tons of people. Because of Tinley, this officer lives on and together, they help make lives better." - Travis Burke

"Thats the reason I am back in the academy after 23yrs. To get recertified. If one inspiration can be made then our job is done!" - Carlos Mclean

"Looked at this again today and thought how much she would have blessed that young police man who lost his life soon after the photo was taken She is an absolute treasure with a beautiful heart for one so young . Her daddy and mummy must be so proud of her bless her little heart " - Pauline Ghilcrist

Want to join Tinley on her mission? Find all of our wristbands here.
Join Give Blue, our fundraising to support the families of fallen officers by making your bracelet purchases through an active fundraiser!

Thin Blue Line USA
Thin Blue Line USA


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