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Tin Too's Path to Blue

by Thin Blue Line USA April 03, 2017 1 Comment

Meet one of our favorite law enforcement supporters. She’s absolutely enthusiastic, full of boundless love, and at just four years old, she’s our youngest feature yet!  


Meet Tinley, a young girl with a big passion to help law enforcement! Her Facebook page, Tin Too’s Path to Blue, is growing rapidly; allowing her to show the world what her local officers mean to her. With the help of her mom, Jamie, Tinley meets and thanks police officers, expressing her love and gratitude in the sincerest of ways. When asked where Tinley’s enthusiasm came from, Jamie responded, “The amazing amount of love, trust, and respect that Tinley shows all officers is not taught. It is from her meeting with officers that have shown her all the same that they show her.” 

When Tinley wanted to take her drive to “Back the Blue” to a new level, she didn’t hesitate. We were contacted at Thin Blue Line USA with the amazing story of this inspiring young girl, and we happily helped her continue her mission with a whole heap of Thin Blue Line Bracelets for her to hand out!

Needless to say, Tinley is ecstatic to become an official advocate for the Thin Blue Line; and we have to say she’s doing a fantastic job! She actively encourages her friends, family, and followers to “Back the Blue” and is a perfect example of the joyful gratitude we hope all of our nation’s officers feel. Jamie really summed up the work this amazing statement, “It only takes a few minutes to make these men and women feel appreciated; if a 4 year old can do it so can you. I hope that through Tinley’s story many more people learn to do this.” Keep up the great work (and let us know when you run out of bracelets!)

Click Here to read more about our favorite supporters and creative ways to give back to your community!

Thin Blue Line USA
Thin Blue Line USA


1 Response

Paw Pam
Paw Pam

May 18, 2018

I am very proud of my granddaughter. She has brought so much joy to alot of people.

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